Welcome, Lauren!



The Star And Her Moon

to. my moongirl, lauren
i still can’t believe that it’s been 3 years since we’ve become friends. although, we’ve been through a lot of ups and downs, i’m glad to still have you here with me today, since you have been a source of not only strength, but also motivation for me to continue going on. i know we can get through any barriers or obstacles that come in our way. i know we promised to keep these letters shorter and keep our birthday ones longer, but i can’t help but write more for you because no number of words will ever make up for the appreciation i have for you. god this is so cheesy, but you know i have a hard time expressing my feelings i’m so bad at this but i hope we continue to create more memories with each other. you’re the person i first go to when i have something happy to share, the first person i go to when i’m upset, and the person i hope i’ll go to for a very long time till we’re all old. it’s definitely upsetting that we haven’t met in the 3 years (1000+ days), but i know some day in the future we’ll pull through with the karaoke and the whole gang (with cole and angie) will all meet up. forreal i say this so much, but i’m so so so proud of you like. i’m writing this as i know you got 100%. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. on your chemistry exam. like what kind of average person can even get 100% on an exam, let alone on a CHEM exam... but anyways yes i am super proud of everything you have accomplished and i know for sure you’ll grow up into becoming one of the most successful people ever. i know you know this but you are truly more than just an internet/twitter friend to me, it’s been not only way too long for that, but also our conversations are always genuine, our facetimes are genuine, and we’ve gotten through so many barriers for me not to think we’re pretty much soulmates... xnfj queens... we invented scorpio x gemini dynamics. okay hold up i think this is already almost 400 words, but i want my bday letter to be 1k so i’m gonna stop here because carrd will break on me. for many years and more! i love you best friend!!!


From the people closest to you,

(click on a picture)


for lauren(loser)
hey bro😎so it's been like a little over a year since we've been friends, and tbh you've kind of changed my life. not in a bad way though, it's more like...because of you, i've definitely learned a lot about myself and how to look at others. you've taught me the importance of how to really be a reliable, caring and trustworthy friend, and i'm really glad that we can come to each other for help and honestly, just someone to talk/listen to;-; knowing it's hard for both of us to talk about real problems, you feel? i literally cannot thank you enough for teaching me how to live a little and have fun(aka being less of a hag) :') seriously though, imagine me, without you...i'd probably be 10x less cool, and boring too. you know, since you're the coolest person in the whole world right behind mark tuan. i could literally go on and on about how much you mean to me and the impact you've left on my life but i might start crying cause i'm sensitive. anyways, i love you to the MF ends of the galaxy and back 😤 you'll always be one of my most treasured friends and i appreciate you so so so so so so so much. you'll forever be the mark to my jinyoung~
*bass boosted*i love you loser


LAURENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN hey...i’m really so glad that we became close and that u’re somebody that i get to call my whole ass FRIEND. u really make me happy all the damn time u just don’t realise it🥺🥺 honestly though u’re always so kind and literally the biggest sweetie ever i’d give up everything for u if it meant that u’d always be happy. u really make me a kinder person and not to be all....,,soft,,....but u always make me feel brighter after speaking to u and just <3333333333 i really hope u know that u have that effect on ppl <3 also,, u should fight ur rights to have ur name in the hsm credits & get mark’s name there too...for the added effect😎can’t wait to get a tattoo of that emoji just for u😎😎😎😎😎😎 (i love you)


hey lauren... queen... i just wanna say thank you for always being a great friend, wife, ceo partner, singing partner, girlfriend, cat sitter, maid, rabbit buddy... theres a lot. you are the best ever. you are such a great person and ive been lucky enough to be friends with you for all these years... even if we bully each other 🙄 but you are seriously the best person ever... i do not know a better person. you deserve the world... we have so many memories and moments that are really special to me and make me happy, i really hope you know you're a great friend and make a lot of people happy! i love you so much the best mark stan ever 😁🕺🏻😘😎


Songs that remind us of you:

1. YOU by: A Great Big World
from. dee

from. ana

3. FIONA COYNE by: Skylar Spence
from. angie

from: cole


5 things I love about you:

1. your thoughtfulness
i always think about the times that i have felt upset or nervous and you wouldn’t hesitate to facetime or message me. i’m so grateful for you.

2. your hardwork
you always put your 100% into everything and i know you say you aren’t smart or doubt yourself, but i’m always proud of all your achievements.

3. your personality
you genuinely have the softest personality, but it’s so easy to get along with. your personality has a great balance of things which helps you get along with a range of people.

4. your strength
the things you have put up with and experienced always makes me admire you because you still manage to push through and be grateful for everything around you.

5. your words
no matter how upset i’m feeling or how stressed i am, your words manage to make me relaxed. i love you so much.